Dear runners,
we hope that you and your loved ones have come through the ending year 2020 healthy and unscathed so far.
We all know that the Covid-19 pandemic will continue to determine and affect our daily lives on many levels well into the coming year, despite vaccinations beginning in the foreseeable future. Accordingly, we have to assume that the 35th Haspa Marathon Hamburg in April will not be feasible in the usual quality. To be fair, we would therefore like to inform you already today that we are planning to postpone the event within the year 2021. We are in very constructive talks with the city of Hamburg so far. In these, any date overlaps with major events from other sectors had to be coordinated, and still have to be. We are very optimistic that this process will be successfully completed by the end of January and thus we will then not only be able to present a realistic new event date, but also to coordinate the participation options with you. Until then, we ask for your patience and thank you once again for your trust and loyalty.
Despite the pandemic restrictions we wish you a nice and peaceful Christmas and a good start into the year 2021 – stay healthy.
Yours in sport
Your Haspa Marathon Hamburg Team