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Dear participants,

In its state press conference today, the City of Hamburg , with regard to the approval or prohibition of major sporting events, did not make any binding statements or adopt any regulations. Particularly with regard to the question of how spectator flows in public spaces can be controlled or limited in order to comply with the distance and hygiene guidelines, it remains unclear whether or how we as organisers will be held responsible for this. As long as there is no clarity on this issue, we have suspended the registration for the Haspa Marathon Hamburg and the Haspa Half Marathon Hamburg on September 13 until further notice. We will keep you informed about further developments and ask you to refrain from enquiries or speculation. For this and for your patience we would like to thank you expressly.

Yours in sport
Your Haspa Marathon Hamburg Team



Almost 6000 registrations in the first few days

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Although this year's marathon only ended a few days ago, registrations for the Haspa Marathon Hamburg 2025 are already in full swing. Almost 6,000 registrations for all distances were received…



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