Dear #runyourownblueline runners,
Sunday is the day. The digital competition #runyourownblueline goes into the second round. Digital is the order of the day, and that is first of all good in times like these. However, digital in the context of #runyourownblueline does not mean that the competition takes place entirely in virtual space. This only applies to its documentation. Each and every one of you will be running analogue and physically on Sunday, even if hopefully only for yourselves, regardless of whether it’s outside in nature, over several laps on the familiar and beloved training route or on the treadmill at home. In order for the competition to be a success for all of us and at all levels in the end, we would like to draw your attention once again – each and every one of you – to compliance with the applicable hygiene protection conditions and appeal here in particular to the runners from Hamburg to comply with the guidelines set out in the Hamburg SARS-CoV-2-Eindämmungsverordnung – HmbSARS-CoV-2-EindämmungsVO) (valid from 23 April 2021) https://www.hamburg.de/verordnung/. This means in particular that you should run alone if possible, i.e. not in groups, not in the usual conurbations (Alsterrunde, Elbstrand or similar) and also not at times of day when the public space is heavily frequented.
In addition, tomorrow, Saturday, you and all of us will be subject to the new federal regulation (emergency brake) that prohibits physical activity (sport) between 0:00 and 5:00. This means that on Sunday you can start the digital competition #runyourownblueline at 5:00 a.m. at the earliest and have to finish it by 11:59 p.m.
We wish you and all of us a successful run this coming Sunday!
Sporty greetings from the MHV team