Dear runners,
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas season and a good start into the year 2021. In these special days, the time of inner contemplation and winter rest is abruptly followed by that of old and new resolutions and an associated urge to set out. Not infrequently, this New Year’s euphoria gives way just as quickly to a certain disillusionment. The days are short, gray and wet or, in the best case, snowy. The good intentions are quickly gone, but the inner pig, on the other hand, is all the stronger. He prefers to stay in the warm instead of lacing up his running shoes.
This is certainly a cliché and some of you may not share it at all. But maybe some of you will find yourselves in it. Even in our team, opinions and moods are distributed very differently. We therefore do not want to presume at this point to give well-intentioned advice or even recipes on how each and every one of us should deal with the upcoming time.
However, we would like to express our sincere thanks to our registered participants who, after our announcement shortly before Christmas regarding the postponement of the Haspa Marathon Hamburg, have remained calm and patient and continue to remain loyal to us. This is anything but self-evident, especially since we were initially unable to name a new date and in times when the pandemic has us all firmly in its grip and will probably continue for a reasonably long time.
We continue to work tirelessly on the planning and implementation of the event – it remains with the already announced timing, after which an alternative date should be fixed at the end of January. We will inform you about this date as soon as possible.
Until then, we continue to build on your patience and understanding and wish you a good run and, above all, good health.
Your Haspa Marathon Hamburg Team