Join our second group training under the motto “Get Ready” for the Haspa Marathon Hamburg!
We’ll meet again on Sunday, 17th January at the Cliff (Fährdamm 13, 20148 Hamburg) and loop around the Außenalster. One loop is 7,5 kilometers long and we will go for two loops (15 km) to slowly build up mileage. Starting at 9:00 AM you will have the chance to test running shoes by our partner Mizuno. Running will start at 10:00 AM – there will be various pace groups and surely everybody will find a buddy to run with.
The first group training took place in the Stadtpark on 13th December – you can find the images online on Runners World Germany by clicking here. It was a lot of fun, so don’t miss out on the second one!
We kindly ask you to give us a short notice by e-mail (leserservice@runnersworld.de) if you are planning to join us, so we can plan ahead! The Haspa Marathon Hamburg Team and its partners are looking forward to seeing you there!
2. Overview “Get Ready” 2nd Run:
Date: 17. January 2016
Place: Alster Cliff, Fährdamm 13 20148 Hamburg
Time: Meet-up 9:45 Uhr (Testing of Mizuno running shoes starts at 9:00 AM; running starts at 10:00 AM)
Route and pace: 1-2 times around the Außenalster (7,5 – 15 km) in various pace groups